Learn About the Extreme Sport Skysurfing

Team parachuting is a form of skysurfing. There are only two people on each team. One of them is a professional skydiver, while the other is a cameraman. Because everything takes place in the air, the participants need to be prepared. Each surfer is solely responsible for their own preparation prior to launching into a session of surfing.

Skysurfing is one of the most physically and mentally taxing activities ever devised by mankind. Despite this, it is still a popular sport because of the game’s objectives. For the most part, sky surfing is a sport in which participants attempt to perform a series of high-tech and artistic stunts in the air while remaining safe.

Members of the Sky Surfing Squad

There are two players in the team: a surfer and a camera-flyer.

The sky surfer is the first person to jump out of the plane and perform a variety of stunts and maneuvers. In order to land safely, as well as stay safe in the air, the sky surfer needs a lot of gear.

The camera flyer captures the sky surfer’s performance with a camera held in his or her hands. For the camera flyer, there are also safety or equipment guidelines. He must wear a helmet that completely encloses his face.

Sky Surfing – Equipment


Here, we’ll take a look at the equipment used by the sky surfing crew.

Surf Cutaway System

As a result of its ease of use, the surf cutaway system is an important piece of equipment. The surfer can use it without bending over at the waist. Faster surfing is made possible by the surf cutaway system. The design of this surf cutaway system ensures that the surfer will be able to cut away with ease, reliability, and speed.


Hard-shell helmets are required to protect the entire face, including the jaw and chin.

It is imperative that both the surfer and the camera operator wear helmets that protect the entire face, not just the head. When you’re more than 10,000 feet above the ground, it’s difficult to get immediate help if something hits you, so a helmet is essential.

Audibility Meter

At least one visual or audible meter is required for all jumpers. Both of them can be used by them.

Recovery Pilot Chute

When the sky surfing board is released, a recovery pilot chute is deployed. In order to use this parachute, you must have a board that weighs between 6 and 7. The board’s fall speed is slowed by this system.

How Do You Do Sky Surfing?


A minimum of 10,000 feet above the ground level is required for the height. Because of the elevation, surfers have more time to display their skills in the open air. They shouldn’t be performing in a crowded area because of the level of foot traffic. It’s for their own safety that they must come to a stop on an open surface, most likely a water surface.

  • A surfer is expected to dress appropriately for the sport, including the appropriate surfboards and wetsuits. Players are required to have a hook knife on them at all times.
  • Every jumper is required to have a visual or audible altimeter on them at all times. It’s also possible to use both at the same time.
  • The recovery system is the most critical piece of gear for skysurfers.
  • To ensure the safety of the participants, both the surfer and the cameraman must wear helmets that completely cover their faces. Because you can’t get help if you’re 10000 feet in the air, wearing a helmet is a necessity.

Wearing proper clothing that can handle wind pressure and sturdy shoes is also a good idea for the players. A means of communication should be carried by each player in case assistance is required.

Sky Surfing Grade 1

The surfer must adhere to certain guidelines or procedures in order to achieve success in Sky Surfing Grade 1 (SS1).

  • The surfer must follow certain rules or techniques in order to succeed in Sky Surfing Grade 1 (SS1).
  • The surfer must perform a controlled 360-degree turn in both directions while maintaining their balance on their board.
  • A type of exit known as “surfing down the slipstream” is necessary for the player to exit the game.
  • After that, the surfer needs to be able to control a back-and-forth loop. The surfer must also demonstrate forward movement by tracking while maintaining his balance on the board.

Sky Surfing Grade 2

Sky Surfing Grade 2 (SS2) of skysurfing can be learned in addition to SS1 techniques.

  • SS2 can only be entered by the player who has passed SS1 with flying colors.
  • Two 360-degree or 720-degree turns are required by the surfer in order to perform a controlled seated turn. This is referred to as a “sit-spin.”
  • Ideally, the surfer will be well-versed in the art of performing loops. The back loop or front loop must be performed in full rotation to form a standing position with a half twist that is under control.
  • In a controlled helicopter spin, the surfer should rotate three times around 360 degrees, but not more than six times.

Evaluation of Scores

A minimum of three people judge each skysurfing jump. Depending on the level of competition, there may be five to six judges in some tournaments.

  • There are two sub-scores for each judge, with each score ranging from 0 to 50 points.
  • Technical merit and artistic merit are the two sub-scores that make up the overall score.
  • In order to arrive at a final score of 0 to 100 for each team’s jump, the judges add together the two sub-scores. The total score for each team’s jump is then calculated by adding the scores of all the teams.
  • Because each team must perform five jumps, the points are accumulated.
  • In total, there will be five jumps in the competition and points will be awarded for each jump.

There will be a total of all the scores at the end of the contest. There’s no requirement that each team perform five jumps, however. Actually, each team jumps four times and the top five are chosen after the fourth jump.

The Fifth Jump

The top five teams take the final and fifth jump.

  • The teams’ scores from the fifth jump will be added to the final jump’s weighting, which will account for one-third of the event’s final score.
  • The final score for each team is the sum of the cumulative scores after all of the jumps have been completed.
  • The team with the most points at the end of the match is declared the victor.


Skysurfing competitions are adjudicated by people with keen vision. They pay close attention to the events unfolding in front of them.

  • A live transmission or a recorded air-to-ground video may occasionally be used by the judges.
  • To judge the moves made by a team, air-to-air video recording can be used if air-to-ground video recording isn’t available.
  • It’s possible for the judges to watch the jumps in real time and record the air-to-ground signal simultaneously if a live system is used.
  • An instant re-play option is available for reviewing the entire jump or specific sections of the jump. There must be two or more judges available to request this option during the scoring.


Even for the most experienced athletes, sky surfing is an extremely risky activity. Even the tiniest error or momentary lapse in control can result in serious bodily harm. The consequences of a faulty parachute can be catastrophic. There have even been reports of sky surfers going into spins that are so fast that they cause them to lose consciousness.

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