Learn About the Extreme Sport of Extreme Pogo

Extreme pogo is a sport in which participants make unusual and fascinating maneuvers using a pogo stick as a propulsion device. This variation of pogo elevates the game that many kids love to play to a whole new level, similar to extreme skating. The pogo stick is used to do tricks when elevated several feet.

The caliber of leaps and air tricks has increased along with technology and the pogo stick. Participants have benefited from improved equipment that enables them to perform tricks for longer periods of time and at higher altitudes. This indicates that flips are becoming more difficult and that movements are becoming more intense. As this technology related to the pogo stick continue to advance and be worked on, the sport should only get more challenging. Due to this, extreme pogo is only holding on to its title of extreme sport with greater tenacity.


As previously indicated, extreme pogo is a relatively new addition to the family of extreme sports. It was created in the 2000s, and David Armstrong was its creator. Armstrong has made a successful and rewarding career out of his passion for extreme pogo. He is the creator of the Xpogo.com website, a one-stop shop for anything extreme pogo. There are blogs about the sport and the highlights of upcoming tournaments, as well as images and videos. Extreme pogo fans and competitors are kept up to date on the sport’s developments through information. It also demonstrates Armstrong’s continuous interest in and unshakable passion for the game.


Pogopalooza, an annual celebration, has served as a platform for extreme pogo competitors since 2004. It’s a gathering where people can really display their prowess and inventiveness. The world championship event for extreme sports is held each year.

The event was initially hosted in the wonderful state of Nebraska and is actually organized by David Armstrong’s Xpogo. It has since been hosted seven times and features a wide range of competitions and prizes. This list includes contests for the biggest air in a trick, the most technically challenging trick, the best trick, and even high jump competitions. Visitors to this extreme sports event will witness breathtaking high-flying displays performed entirely with the aid of a pogo stick.

What is Pogo Stick?

A pogo stick is a device for standing up and bouncing off the ground with the help of a spring or new high-performance technologies. It’s frequently used as a toy, piece of fitness gear, or tool for extreme sports. It gave rise to the extreme sport known as Xpogo or extreme pogo.

It consists of a pole with footrests towards the bottom and a handle at the top, as well as a spring hidden somewhere along the pole. The pole, which protrudes below the footpads, is joined by the spring at two points.

The jumper stands on the pole and puts their feet on the footpads. They then jump up or down by bending their knees to add or take away energy from the spring. When the spring is fully compressed or fully extended, the spring’s recoil lifts the jumper and sends it a few inches or feet into the air. This is done again and again to keep the periodic bounce.

You can steer the pogo stick by moving your weight off the centerline of the spring in the direction you want to go horizontally. This gives you horizontal movement.

Beginner Pogo Stick Jumping

Let’s cover Pogo stick basics. Do not be discouraged if you fail your first attempts; it’s all about balance.

  1. Balancing is key to using a Pogo stick. Balance boards are best. If you don’t have one, practice on a safe surface. Skateboarding, snowboarding, or biking may give you more body control. Don’t move around the neighborhood or streets until you’re confident.
  2. Slowly. First time riding, press down on the footrest to activate the spring. Then place your other foot and hold the main tube with your knees. Always hold the handles firmly.
  3. Once the spring is activated and you’re on the Pogo stick, bounce. First, jump straight up without moving your body. Balance first.
  • Jump towards the pedals, not away from you.
  • Keep your hands on the handles.
  • Avoid pushing your pogo stick forward.
  1. Start slow, a few bounces, then jump. Do not jump for 30 minutes on your first try; you may get dizzy and fall. Bounce twice and get off. Do this ten times.
  2. Don’t bounce too high at first; it’s dangerous. Higher up, it’s harder to stay balanced, so make a few small jumps and focus on balance.
  3. Once you’ve mastered balance, learn to jump.
  • First, crouch on the footrests and lower your bottom.
  • Pull yourself up by the handles to a standing position.
  • Repeat crouching and standing up until you can jump in place.
  1. Once you’re comfortable jumping on the spot, move. Pogo sticks are fun to play and great for getting around. Some tips:
  • Your body weight controls the Pogo stick, so lean in the desired direction.
  • If you lean too hard, you may fall or jump in circles.
  • Lean forward gently and keep the Pogo stick close.

Pogo Stick Safety

When learning how to jump on a Pogo stick, this is the single most important thing to keep in mind. Make sure you ride safe always. Check that your Pogo stick works right before you jump on it:

  1. You should buy a best Pogo stick to start learning with it. Buy a suitable beginner Pogo stick
  2. Footrests and handles should be in place and very steady. Make sure that none of the handles or grips have worn off and that they all still work.
  3. All bolts, but especially the ones holding the inside tube to the outside tube should present and really tight.
  4. The spring at the bottom should not be rusty or squeaky. Before you get on the Pogo, make sure you bounce it with your hands on the ground.
  5. Check on the rubber tip because it wears out with time and you can fall. When you want to ride the Pogo stick, do this every time.
  6. ALWAYS wear a helmet. EEven if you are walking through your own backyard. If you slip and fall, it’s better for your helmet to hit the ground than your head. If you can, also add further protection like elbow and knee pads. Keep in mind: Stay safe and protected, and it will always be fun.
  7. Double check on the weight limit of the particular Pogo stick you are about to ride and make sure you are within those limits. The results of riding a Pogo stick when you are heavier than it can take can be disastrous. You’ll break the Pogo stick, and you’re likely to hurt yourself or someone else.
  8. Also check on the height. Usually, the measurement is from the knees to the neck, but to get a more accurate number, check this:
  • If you’re less than 5’5″ tall, you should use a 46″ pogo stick.
  • If you are between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 11 inches tall, your Pogo stick should be at least 51 inches long.
  • If you are at least 6 feet tall, check that your Pogo stick is at least 56 inches long.
  1. Avoid any surface that is not really firm or that is uneven or slippery. If your Pogo stick is not firm enough to get you back in the air, it will get stuck. If the floor isn’t completely flat and even, you might bounce differently, lose your balance, and fall. It is possible to fall backwards, sideways, or even frontally if the floor is wet. No dirt, grass, jagged rocks, and definitely not near a pool or other wet places.



Xpogo is a dangerous activity, must like any other extreme sport. Despite wearing helmets, professional pogo players still take risks when jumping 10 feet in the air. One of the pogo injuries, for instance, required plastic surgery to reconnect his lip, fix his nose, and implant five fake teeth. This was the first person to test an extreme stick, and he severely damaged himself.

Dalton Smith, who has won an unprecedented seven consecutive gold medals at the Pogopalooza Freestyle Finals, is the seven-time defending extreme pogo world champion. This man has performed feats like jumping over four automobiles in a succession, appearing on TV shows like America’s Got Talent and Live With Kelly and Ryan, appearing in motion pictures, and consistently raising the bar for extreme pogo.

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